Why Econ?

Econ Italy: Belgian Sustainable Fashion Phenomenon Conquers Europe

Econ Italy: Belgian Sustainable Fashion Phenome...

 Econ, a Belgian Luxury fashion brand. The bold pursuit of Italian quality at affordable prices.   Econ Italy has rapidly gained ground and currently delivers throughout the Benelux, France, the...

Econ Italy: Belgian Sustainable Fashion Phenome...

 Econ, a Belgian Luxury fashion brand. The bold pursuit of Italian quality at affordable prices.   Econ Italy has rapidly gained ground and currently delivers throughout the Benelux, France, the...

True sustainability is not made in China

True sustainability is not made in China

THE ECON® TAG Our signature tag for all garments. This stands for top notch quality and the responsible way we produce and run our business. (ps, its not in China)...

True sustainability is not made in China

THE ECON® TAG Our signature tag for all garments. This stands for top notch quality and the responsible way we produce and run our business. (ps, its not in China)...